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Dads, just because you don’t have boobs doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be involved. Without a good wingman, a lot of mums will fail at breastfeeding. So be a good might even get some bonus points too.  Here’s how:

1. Before Baby Gets Here, Sign Up For a Breastfeeding Class

Before your baby arrives, take a breastfeeding class WITH mum.  Then, when she is too tired to think straight and can’t remember what she learned, you can step in and remind her what what said in class. Hold her hand through the whole process (not just the birth) and she will be more confident about the challenges that may lie ahead. A lot of women will struggle and not ask for help when they need it so keep a look out and if you see her struggling, get her some support. 

There are several lactation specialists in Edinburgh. We recommend Sarah Murphy from Baby Matters who is fantastic at sorting your problems in her one hour 1-1 consultations.

Contact her on:

Bonus point: Book a pregnancy massage! Here’s the best place to get it in Edinburgh

We especially love the fact that they have a special massage table that has a ‘bump hole’!

Edinburgh Lothians Baby Newborn Photographer Feeding Breast Breastfeeding Milk Dads Dad Father Help Assist Comfort Diana Baker Photography
Edinburgh Lothians Baby Newborn Photographer Feeding Breast Breastfeeding Milk Dads Dad Father Help Assist Comfort Diana Baker Photography
Edinburgh Lothians Baby Newborn Photographer Feeding Breast Breastfeeding Milk Dads Dad Father Help Assist Comfort Diana Baker Photography

2: Set Up a Special “Breastfeeding Corner”

Include all the things mum will need while breastfeeding:  table, pillows, TV remote, phone charger, water, snacks and her favourite book or Kindle. Make sure they are all within reaching distance. She’ll also benefit from nursing pads, muslins, tissues, lanolin and more snacks! She’s going to be spending a lot of time there, so make it as comfortable as possible, and ready and waiting for her when she gets back from the hospital.


Bonus point: Restock water, snacks, nappies etc daily and wash the muslins!

Edinburgh Lothians Baby Newborn Photographer Feeding Breast Breastfeeding Milk Dads Dad Father Help Assist Comfort Diana Baker Photography
Edinburgh Lothians Baby Newborn Photographer Feeding Breast Breastfeeding Milk Dads Dad Father Help Assist Comfort Feed Diana Baker Photography
Edinburgh Lothians Baby Newborn Photographer Feeding Breast Breastfeeding Milk Dads Dad Father Help Assist Comfort Diana Baker Photography

3: Step it Up When It Comes to Household Duties

This is important! Every new mum has a lot on her plate keeping up with hourly feeding and being up throughout the night. Hiring a cleaner to come once a week/month to do most of the cleaning - folding the washing, doing the ironing or cleaning the floors - is a brilliant way to help and take the pressure off. 

Bonus point: Go and empty the nappy bin without even being asked! 

Edinburgh Lothians Baby Newborn Photographer Feeding Breast Breastfeeding Milk Dads Dad Father Help Assist Clean Nappy Housework Diana Baker Photography
Edinburgh Lothians Baby Newborn Photographer Feeding Breast Breastfeeding Milk Dads Dad Father Help Assist Clean Nappy Housework Diana Baker Photography
Edinburgh Lothians Baby Newborn Photographer Feeding Breast Breastfeeding Milk Dads Dad Father Help Assist Clean Nappy Housework Diana Baker Photography

4: Keep Her Company

You might not be able to feed the baby, but it doesn’t mean she should be doing it all on her own. Use feeding times as a chance to have a chat and ask her how she's feeling. Tell her the office gossip and share the normal everyday banter that will make her feel part of the world. Make sure you tell her what a great job she’s doing and make her feel good about herself. 

Bonus point: Make her a cup of tea!

Edinburgh Lothians Baby Newborn Photographer Feeding Breast Breastfeeding Milk Dads Dad Father Help Assist Company Chat Diana Baker Photography
Edinburgh Lothians Baby Newborn Photographer Feeding Breast Breastfeeding Milk Dads Dad Father Help Assist Company Chat Diana Baker Photography
Edinburgh Lothians Baby Newborn Photographer Feeding Breast Breastfeeding Milk Dads Dad Father Help Assist Company Chat Diana Baker Photography

5: Take Over Nappy Duty

Since Mum is the only one who can breastfeed, make nappies your domain. It’s not the most glamorous job but you’ll have lots of fantastic stories to tell at their 21st!  

Bonus point: Again, empty the nappy bin before it stinks!

Super extra mega way to get even more bonus points: Book a salon treatment

Do this 10-12 weeks after the baby is born. It can be a facial, nails, hair…

Don’t ask… just do it. If she isn't gloating to her girlfriends about you, you are doing it wrong!

​© 2024 by DB Photography,

Please don't use these images anywhere without permission as they are wonderful little people with bright futures.

If you would like to use them, please contact us first to find out how to do it the right way. Click here to read our Privacy Policy and Disclaimer of Warranties

All purchases are final. No refunds, but your balance will be held in credit. If you have a special request please phone Diana on 07546987017 before booking.

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