DIY Newborn Photo Course
I created this DIY Newborn Photo Course at the peak of lockdown as I had so many parents desperate for photos but, of course, unable to leave the house. The feedback was incredible (I even made it into the local Edinburgh newspapers) and the results of the DIY Photos were amazing to see. Even though I am now able to work at my Edinburgh studio again, I have decided to leave the info here. Hope you find it useful!
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Here are some images that Mums who have taken my course have created, I will teach you how to do the same.

Swaddling (Video 2)
The best way to start to settle baby.
Camera (Video 3)
A simple quick chat about the best camera settings, including your phone settings.
Creating your Set (Video 4)
How to make your images all about your baby without distractions.
Lighting (Video 5)
One of the most important elements in photography made simple.
The 5 Poses (Video 6)
Simple stress-free poses.
Bonus Pose (Video 7)
Because 5 is never enough.
Further Resources
Snapfish have great deals and prints. Click the below link to take you straight to their website.
Retouching on your phone:
I recommend Photoshop app. Great for a basic edit. Download it from the Apple store or wherever you get your apps. Available on all devices.
Dr. Harvey Karp is an internationally renowned paediatrician, child development specialist and Assistant Professor of Paediatrics at the USC School of Medicine, and someone whose techniques I highly recommend. Having been in paediatric practice for almost 30 years, Dr. Karp has taught thousands of parents - from working mums to superstars - his insights for soothing colic, boosting infant sleep, reducing tantrums, promoting patience and making parents and children happy. Click the YouTube link below to find out more about his life changing techniques:
Need more help, dont worry I am here!
1-2-1 Help:
Harder then you thought? Don't worry, it's not too late to come into the studio and have me capture all those important details of your newborn. Call me on 07546987017 .
Text message: 07546 987017
Images and Testimonials
from Mums and Dads who have used this course.
Thank you everyone!